23 november t/m 2 december 2012


Kunsthuis SYB

Wat zijn de voorwaarden voor een residency? Deze vraag staat centraal in SYB’s doorlopend onderzoek naar het conceptuele kader van het Kunsthuis. Voor de Kunstvlaai verplaatst SYB haar onderzoeksruimte van Beetsterzwaag naar Amsterdam.

In de afgelopen jaren heeft SYB de centrale thema’s weten te verbinden aan de fysieke en intieme vertrekken van het Kunsthuis: hospitality bij de ingang, nesting in de keuken, een private public functie van de woonkamer, een playground structure in de presentatieruimte, social politics in de slaapkamer en het open house in de eetkamer. Deze indeling lag aan de basis van een symposium dat SYB organiseerde in 2010 en de daaruit voortvloeiende publicatie:  Our House in the Middle of the Street.
Voor de Kunstvlaai heeft SYB ontwerper Sandra Kassenaar en kunstenaar Niels Vis gevraagd deze verbinding van specifieke concepten aan specifieke vertrekken in de intieme en vertrouwde leefruimte te vertalen naar een open structuur: een ruimtelijke installatie waarbinnen SYB haar onderzoek kan voortzetten en een platform kan bieden voor discussies, lezingen, performances, en workshops rond het begrip ‘residency’.
Een bezoek aan SYB op de Kunstvlaai is niet geheel vrijblijvend. Wie de stand van SYB bezoekt zal bereid moeten zijn om naar zichzelf te kijken. Want de installatie op de Kunstvlaai is bovenal een ruimte voor collectief en persoonlijk zelf-onderwijs.
Het volledige programma van activiteiten, lezingen, filmscreenings en boekpresentaties kunt u hieronder lezen en is hier als pdf te downloaden.
23 november t/m 2 december 2012
Locatie: voormalige Sint Nicolaas Lyceum in Amsterdam

Curators: Maritt Serena Kuipers en Angela Serino

Ontwerp: Sandra Kassenaar en Niels Vis

Productie: Suzie Hermàn

Zie ook: www.kunstvlaai.nl

Dit project wordt mede gefinancierd door de Mondriaanstichting, de provincie Friesland en het Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.


Saturday 24 November, Time: 2 – 4pm
Public talk on concepts of ‘openness’ and ‘collectivity’, with Aymeric Mansoux and Frans Willem Korsten accompanied by the band ZIMIHC.

Aymeric Mansoux will discuss the complexity of concepts such as openness and free culture and their potential to build an alternative in “a society where information, code and law are forming an increasingly powerful trinity”. Following Mansoux, Frans Willem Korsten will present his ideas on “the minimal conditions” for collectivity together with ZIMIHC, the Utrecht based band, performing since 1983, and from which he is a member.

Everybody is welcome to join.


Wednesday 28 November, Time: 4 – 7pm
‘Toothpick Geometries’ – A collective performance/exercise by Italo Zuffi.

Is it possible to explore a different approach to art experience through collective exercises? At Kunstvlaai, artist Italo Zuffi invites the visitors to build up geometric shapes by taking part in his performance ‘Toothpick  Geometries’. Simultaneously, the details of the geometry are filmed and projected onto a screen in real time. Zuffi’s ‘Toothpick Geometries’ reflects upon the double nature of every collaborative process, which is extremely powerful but at the same time fragile and demanding.

To participate in the performance please sign up at: valeriodelbaglivo@gmail.com

Italo Zuffi’s ‘Toothpick Geometries’ is part of ‘PAY ATTENTION please’, a project co-curated by Valerio Del Baglivo and Angela Serino, promoted by Kunsthuis SYB, FARE and City of Milan. The curators will present the project in an informal conversation at 6.30 pm in SYB’s booth, following the artist’s performance.
Thursday 29 November, Time: 3 – 7pm
‘Seen and Unseen’ – Writing workshop with Renske Janssen.

For a number of years, Kunsthuis SYB has organised a programme for reviewers, whereby young writers are offered the opportunity to write a review on a regular basis, which is then published on SYB’s newsletter and website. For Kunstvlaai, SYB has invited critic, curator and writer, Renske Janssen, to give a workshop on art writing.

During the workshop, the dos and don’ts of an art review will be discussed and new reviews will be written.

Participation in the workshop is free. There are still places for five persons (between the ages of 20 to 30 years). If you would like to participate, please send a short biography of yourself and a recent article to info@kunsthuissyb.nl (no later than 22 November).


Saturday 1 December, Time: 2 – 6pm
Public talks on Residency Models and Experiences

Time: 2 – 3pm
‘Living and Working Together’ – Public talk featuring art historian Brian Dudley Barrett and art theorists and curators Lisa Mazza and Laura Windhager.

Taking inspiration from his recent book (‘Artists on the Edge: The Rise of Coastal Artists’ Colonies, 1880-1920″, 2010), art historian Brian Dudley Barrett will talk about the ideological and practical reasons that led to the development of village art colonies.

Art theorist and curators Lisa Mazza and Laura Windhager have recently graduated at the Visual Cultures Department of Goldsmiths University London with their dissertation ‘How to Live Together? How to Work Together? On Residencies as Sites of Community and Production’. Here at the Kunstvlaai, they will concentrate on questions of production and representation within contemporary residency programmes, as well as the reciprocity between infrastructure and artistic production in those given spaces.

Time: 4 – 6pm
‘Nesting Togetherness’ – Public talk with artists Noa Giniger and Lea Porsager, curator Yael Messer and philosopher Marco Pasi.

During her residency in 2011 in Kunsthuis SYB, artist Noa Giniger invited six fellow artists from different countries to stay with her, each for one week, for an in-situ dialogue. Giniger recently published the book ‘Ecstatic Streaming’, which concludes and translates ‘Zimmer for FAB’ into a printed form.

In the late summer of 2011, Lea Porsager invited seven friends to Casa Anatta at former artist colony Monte Verità in Switserland. Initially inspired by the rich and dense history of the site, the project soon became an experiment in itself. ‘The Anatta Experiment’ is a film and an installation realised for Documenta13 this year. The film will be screened at SYB’s booth at the Kunstvlaai.

Curator Yael Messer and philosopher Marco Pasi will comment on the works by Noa Giniger and Lea Porsager. Angela Serino will moderate the talk.


In the ‘Doubling Time, Cinema & Video Area’ of the Kunstvlaai, you can view special screenings of ‘The Apocalypse Community’ (2012) by artists Joaquín Cociña and Cristóbal León, and ‘The Frisian landEscape’ (2011) by artists Noa Giniger and Shana Moulton. Both the works were realised during the artists’ residencies at SYB.


by Joaquín Cociña and Cristóbal León.

On the main stage: Saturday 24 November, 14:00-14:25h

In the Artist’s cinema: Friday 30 November, 15:15-16:00h


by Shana Moulton and Noa Giniger.

In the Artist’s cinema: Friday 30 November, 15:15-16:00h


Kunsthuis SYB presents two publications at the Kunstvlaai: ‘Our House in the Middle of the Street, 10 jaar Kunsthuis SYB’ by Maja Bekan, Irene Kromhout and Sandra Kassenaar (2011), and ‘Ecstatic + Streaming’ by Noa Giniger (2012).